Don't wait till it's too late into the #buyerjourney to engage leads and potential customers.
Use lead magnets to convert strangers to leads who trust you and will consider you during the purchase decision stage of their buyer journey.
A #leadmagnet is a valuable piece of content you offer for free to solve a specific problem for your prospects.
In exchange, they provide their contact details, allowing you to follow up and guide them through their buying journey.
The best lead magnets:
- educate,
- build trust, and
- position you as an expert they should consider when making a purchasing decision.
Popular examples include
- tips to avoid common mistakes,
- survey reports and assessments,
- educational webinars and videos,
- ebooks and progress guides, or
- product trials (works ideally for leads who are educated on the solution and are considering products)
- free consultations (works when you've already built trust with leads).
Make your lead magnet's headline compelling and search-friendly to attract leads who believe it can help solve their problem.
If you're still cynical about lead magnets and #inboundmarketing, it's honestly your loss 😊
Inbox me if you have questions. Happy to offer a #freeconsult
It's amazing how many businesses leave leads on the table by not embracing lead magnets. They help in building that initial trust and positioning yourself as the go-to expert is invaluable. 🧲🚀